Wednesday 22 July 2020

Nice 'n' Sleazy

I love a sleazy guitar riff. The kind Keith Richards used to play on early Stones records*. The kind of riffs that emanate from smoke filled speakeasies; on the wrong side of the tracks; late at night; very late at night. Even in these crazy days; especially in these crazy days - I'm sure there are lockdown clubs where you go down a dimly lit flight of steps, give a 'secret knock' and, with a conspiratorial glance up to street level, you are quickly ushered in by what appears to be nothing more than a shadow. From lockdown to lock-in.

And this would be the sound that greeted you; this would be the tune being played at full tilt. With the bass turned up so loud you can feel it through your chest.

Natural Child - She Got a Mind (2012)

And if you're an advocate of Ozark you'll know it as the soundtrack to when Ruth (played by Julia Garner) auditions for the stripper job at Lickety Splitz**. I did say it was sleazy, didn't I?

The kind he nicked off Bo Diddley.
** Spoiler alert. If you know Ruth Langmore, you'll know this scene doesn't end well for the club owner.


  1. Must have missed this last week - Ozark is one of the best dramas we've watched in years and much of it down to standout character Ruth. Wouldn't have remembered this piece of music but thanks for the reminder.
