Tuesday 28 July 2020

Real Tuesday

Today is Tuesday; it being the day after Monday, that figures. But today actually feels like a Tuesday - not a lockdown Tuesday. For the first time in a very long time (it started at the weekend) there is a modicum of normality (normalcy, anyone?) creeping back into my life. Later this morning I've got a Zoom call that should secure some freelance work, and this afternoon I'm joining my friend Deke on the final leg of his charity challenge walk to provide tea and encouragement - I may even walk a couple of miles with him. Like I said, it actually feels like a real Tuesday; long may it continue.

The Real Tuesday Weld - The Day Before You Came (2014)


  1. Yes, a lot more normalcy creeping in now which is just what we all need. I too had a pretty good time last week doing all sorts of "normal" things.

    Just back from my mum's care home however where I can see her once a week outside in a mask - Discovered they now have to stay in their rooms 24/7 which is a new one and something she will never cope with. The care homes were caught out at the start of this thing and they don't want to be put in that position again but for residents with dementia it's a disaster. Her life had been pretty normal until now but this is a disaster and not normal at all.

  2. Great version of The Day Before You Came.

    1. It all started at the weekend - I got to hug James and Janni on Saturday when we stopped over. The phone call this morning was good - the man from Delmonte said 'yes' so I may even celebrate with a beer tonight!

    2. Sorry, forgot to mention Abba. There have been a few versions of this over the years (I always liked Blancmange's take) but RTW's is a bit good isn't it? Then again, so is this.

    3. Well done on the Delmonte man's response. Some good news which we all need just now.

      I'm just back from town which is really busy and the car parks all full so very "normal" - I'm still just reeling from the news that 5 months on, our care home residents are now to be room-bound. Awful for them.

    4. Of course Blancmange did a version which was also excellent - Maybe it's the song that lends itself well to cover versions. Think Pete Paphides was a big fan if I remember correctly.

  3. My heart swells to hear The Real Tuesday Weld - I love 'em. Congrats on bagging the freelance gig.
