Saturday 15 February 2020


On this day in MMX a blog was born. 
My blog. Everyone seemed to be writing one at the time, so I thought why not me?
Back in 2010 my collection of randomly scribbled notes - then called 'Even Monkeys Fall Out Of Trees' - was set against a backdrop to a world where Prime Ministers were honourable, beer was ten bob a pint and nobody bothered locking their front doors.

Or that's how it appeared at the time.

Fast forward to MMXX and contrast the above to a world where all the familiar and reassuring signposts - pointing to hope, optimism and sunlit uplands - have been taken down and replaced with, well, precisely nothing. Nobody knows where we're going (certainly not the cunt presently occupying 10 Downing Street), or how; though Hell and handcart spring to mind. Who knew just a decade earlier that we'd be incrementally sleep walking into a dystopian nightmare? A nightmare we seem destined never to wake up from.

In other news, I'm thinking of getting a new kitten.


A huge thank you to all the waifs and strays who have swung by in the last 10 years - I couldn't, as they say, have done any of this without your continued support and friendship (whether from the sidelines or in 'real life'*).

* That said, there are still two people who I really do need to see in the flesh this year - they know who they are.


  1. Happy 10th Blogirthday! And if you get a new kitten, I want to see photos on here ASAP!

  2. Happy 10th blog birthday John, an admirable achievement! Plus I've spotted the clue... Yes, with all the shite going on in the world we need all the good things we can muster and that would be one :-)

    1. Thank you, C.

      As Ents. Officer I will be casting my net far & wide and suggesting a Blogger MeetUp later in the year. I'm gonna float Liverpool in September; let me know your thoughts. Likewise anyone reading this who may be interested in meeting likeminded souls, feel free to email me: john*at*johnmedd*dot*com

  3. Happy 10th blog birthday John.

    1. Thank you, SA. Do we get to wear some kind of badge, now?

  4. Getting a new kitchen? Fascinating, I thought as I wandered off to construct my first coffee of the day. Fifteen minutes later, steaming brew in hand, I returned and re-read. Oh I see...a kitten. That really is quite lovely news and makes a lot more sense. The moral of this story is that I should not attempt to read in the morning before having first partaken of caffeine.
    Happy blogday John - long may you run. Hopefully see you in September, if not before.

    1. Kitchens and Kittens. It's the new monthly magazine for discerning homeowners.
      September: expect an email shortly. Sorry, didn't mean to call you shortly.

  5. Happy 10th birthday to your blog. I wrote a similar post over at my place in January, but my blog had just celebrated its 4th birthday - It seems all the really shite (we all seem to be swearing in this post) stuff has happened since then. I am going to be optimistic about the future though - Humans are generally wise and caring so hopefully good sense will prevail.

    Yes I got the clue too - Liverpool not the best for me but we'll see what happens. My meet-up in London with C last year went really smoothly and perhaps Edinburgh an option too.

    All the best with the new kitchen!

    1. Thank you, Alyson. Wise words, as ever.

      Edinburgh, of course! Watch this space.

  6. Ha ha - Not sure if I like your alpha list of labels above. C and I have made a Boris sandwich!

    1. You don't really want me to reply to this, do you...?

    2. NO … That comments came out a bit wrong didn't it! You have my permission to delete it.

  7. Here's to another 10.

    Yes, 2010 seems a long time ago now.

    1. Thank you, Rol.

      I can't possibly imagine the sort of fucked up world we'll be living in come 2030; the very thought makes me shudder.

  8. Congratulations and my best to you, John. I hope for many more visits in the years to come.

    1. Thank you, Brian. Your name is permanently on my guest list.
