Monday 13 July 2020

My Life in 10 Objects (#5)

I mentioned the deteriorating state of my eyesight as far back as 2010. Back then I was floating the idea of wearing my glasses on a chain round my neck; no, of course that didn't happen. However, in the intervening period I've had my eyes tested regularly and upgraded my bins as my eyesight has, predictably, got worse. In this time, therefore, I've changed eyewear on at least four occasions and each time had my previous pair turned into sunglasses. So that has meant two spectacles cases to carry round, put down, and mislay. They have been part of my life for so long they've become part of my spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch mantra before I can leave the house.
The glasses cases - one pictured here - are what I call the Toblerone type: triangular. They also have a magnetic lid and, as you can see, fold flat; so easy to put in my inside pocket. The cases I use - made by Lindberg - date from when I used to wear their glasses. The cases that all my subsequent glasses have come in are nowhere near as robust, so I've stuck with my trusty Toblerone. Today's object.


I tweeted about my new bins here. Similar to my last pair (in my profile pic), but they're yellow on the inside. And on the top. But you'll only see the yellow if you stand over me. It's the little things in life.


  1. Ooh yes, very cool bins, I like them! I've been wearing varifocals full-time now for about ten years and have found I quite enjoy them as a bit of a fashion statement. Not that mine are very special but our choices feel quite personal. So much easier now too to find decent-looking ones (but, oh, what about the bloody prices?!)

    1. PS The Toblerone case is lovely, I should've mentioned that first!

    2. Varifocals are the way forward, without shadow; best thing I ever did (optometrically speaking).
      Toblerone - it's out on its own.

  2. My favourite sunglasses are a very old pair of faux tortoiseshell glasses I had tinted - luckily my eyesight doesn’t seem to have deteriorated too much in the intervening years. As for glasses and cases, scattered around everywhere, car, office, telly buttons table, handbag, spare handbag... Not yet bitten the bullet and decided to wear them all the time though, so walk around in a near-sighted bubble. Like the yellow rims - subtle touch.

    1. I love the idea of walking around in a near sighted bubble; social distancing for the eyes.
