Friday 1 June 2018

Thank you for the days

A year ago I was heading in the right direction

Keeping it real in NG5
One year ago, to the day, I turned a corner: quite a few corners actually. 12 months ago, on what was a beautiful sunny morning (an omen if ever there was one), the removal van transported all my worldly goods and chattels down the country and deposited them back in civilisation.

So, an anniversary. Though no song or dance required; well, I may have to raise a glass or two this evening and toast NG5 (my postcode of choice) - just to be sociable, you understand.

I say no song; scratch that. Today's selection is a peach. Try as he might, Ray Davies can do no wrong in my book. His songs will continue to be sung as long as humans occupy planet Earth. And beyond, probably. Of that I am convinced.

'Days' was released as a single 50 years ago this month. Can you believe it? Pinch yourself. It's what I've been doing the last 365 days.

The Kinks - Days (1968)


Postscript, 2 June '18

Oh my word, I've just found this - Ray Davies with the Crouch End Choir (audio only). I want it to be played at my funeral.


  1. Happy Removal Van Anniversary!

  2. Many happy returns! (see what I did there...?)
    'Days' would be one of my Desert Island Discs. It was one of the first songs I latched onto as a child, thanks to there being a copy of it at home when I was growing up. I played it over and over and never tired of it and, unusually with these things which normally wane over time, I could still do the same today. One of the best songs ever written!

  3. C - You’re pushing at an open door here! Paul McCartney is good, no questions asked; but Ray Davies is better.
    I also fell in love with it all over again when Kirsten brought out her version. It was gorgeous.
