Saturday 12 September 2020

I'm Walking Backwards for Christmas

I'm yearning. I think we're all yearning. Yearning for a time when we can leave the house without a mask. Go to a gig. Hug friends. Jump up and down. Walk backwards. Anything.
Watching this video of El Goodo on the road and it's like everything we've lost encapsulated in just two and a half minutes. I know I'm being selfish, but I want it back. Just bring it back; I won't ask questions; I won't press charges.

El Goodo - Things Turn Around (2020)


  1. It's been so long since I went out and did the real thing, that, in my head, I now refer to sitting down at the laptop to watch a livestream as going to a gig - it's become the norm, rather than a convenient stopgap. I like to think that at some point in the future I'll be able to go and stand in a sweaty room again with a couple of hundred like-minded souls, while a bunch of scruffy oiks on stage do their best to ruin my hearing still further, but sadly I can't see it happening anytime soon.
    The El Goodo tune is rather splendid by the way.

    1. I think the rock gig, like mass spectator sports, will take years to come back in the form we remember them. Years.

    2. Think you're right sadly. At the moment everything is being postponed until 2021 as if a magic wand will be waved on the 31st Dec and all will be well. Can't see there being a Glastonbury or an Olympics any time soon. But that's me being negative again - I hope I'm wrong.

  2. Clever video, fine song, and no you're not being selfish, we're all feeling the same I think, especially this week when it looks as if we're going backwards again.

    It's my morning for blogging and I've been a bit of a Moaning Minnie of late so will have to try harder. Delving into the archives is usually a good start, remembering simpler times - We say that a lot around here, but now more than ever we REALLY mean simpler times.

    1. I'm a simple man (I really am - I run on beer & sausages), give me simpler times any day of the week.

    2. Indeed. All this talk of bangers - I think you're well and truly off the naughty step now!

  3. Absolutely not selfish, just human!
    Feel like we're wading through treacle really, just to get back to where we started from. I have a few mantra-type things to help me through - both horribly clichéd and obvious but - "just keep going" and "it could be so much worse" (for me personally, that is). I have such a ridiculously simple life too but those little peaks and perks seem more meaningful than ever. Yearning is right. I guess we just have to learn to yearn for different things for a while. I yearned for a curry yesterday morning and I had one in the evening, and you know what, it was fucking amazing!

    1. As Phil Oakey once said, I'm only human. Cut me and I will bleed; he never said that, I think it was Bill S.

      Your three wishes are dwindling - one down (curry), only two left...

  4. I find I'm getting used to the new regime in ways I don't want to. I watch films and TV shows recorded pre-virus and I start thinking, "why are they standing so close together?" or "he really should be wearing a mask". It's like my brain's being rewired into the new reality.

    1. I realised how serious all this was a few weeks ago when I started having Covid dreams. Wonder how long it will take my brain to uninstall this most unwanted of Trojan Horses?

  5. What they all said essentially. The thought of going to a standing gig seems so far away I don't even think about it.

    On an unrelated note, as I know you've written about it, the new Blogger format is causing me problems. Can't upload photos, Bandcamp player doesn't work. Not happy with it. I'll keep trying but its not promising.

    1. Gigs in 2022, at the earliest.

      I'm still using Legacy. My style of blogging lends itself to a direct, simple and snappy platform - everything Blogger offered in spades. Last time I looked at the new version I couldn't upload photos or videos. When Legacy goes I'm not sure what I'll do.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I've used the new 'improved' Blogger for my last couple of posts and have had no problem uploading photos or tunes. Haven't tried Bandcamp or YouTube links yet though.

    4. I can see you and C running a Blogger Workshop to help people like me and Adam who are obviously struggling with this.

    5. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the browsers/operating sustems we're using, or other applications that we run alongside, as I can't figure out the disparity and, like TS, have no problems doing anything I was doing before. In some ways I've found it better, but I appreciate this isn't a widespread response! Fyi I use Chrome with Windows 10 on a desktop for blogging.

    6. I use Chrome with Windows 10 on my laptop. The Blogger changes seem mainly cosmetic and I think I've figured out most of them now, albeit with one or two moments of shouting at the screen!

    7. We might need to take this offline, but can you tell me how to upload a Youtube video? Share and embed doesn't work anymore. Help!

    8. Re. video - well it seems to be just the same as the old one on my computer! From top menu on new post (same as it was before), select Insert Video (hover over icons for description), and it gives options to Upload From Computer or Youtube. That takes you to Add A Video with a Youtube search box, which is the same thing I've always had, so I'm a wee bit baffled! But perhaps it is a browser thing.

    9. Ooh - you do it a different way to me C!

    10. Oh, this is interesting - I didn't even know you could do it any other way!

    11. This is all new to me! Maybe TS can be my outrider for this one...

    12. That's not the way I'd share a video either. Interesting. I see that legacy blogger has now vanished. Tomorrow's post art Bagging Area may be interesting

    13. Me neither. And, like you, I too found that Legacy was pulled earlier today. A blog I'd started yesterday in Legacy will now have to be finished with the new platform. Wish me luck...

  6. I'm using Chrome too, wondered if it might be something to do with operating systems and the like.
