Monday 10 February 2020

Bringing It All Back Home

In true Magnus Mills style I guess it was inevitable that when a local record listening club got a little too priggish, a breakaway faction would eventually peel off and try things a bit differently. And what better way to listen to cherished albums than in the comfort of your own living room; with a select guest list, a varied assortment of hot and cold beverages and, of course, some quality listening material, what else do you need? Bringing it all back home.

Bob Dylan - She Belongs to Me (1965)


  1. Hang on....are you telling me what I think you're telling me? A grand choice of listening either way.

    1. All things must pass.

      Got plans to visit Nottingham again soon? Bunkerpop are playing at the end of March...

  2. Shame if it's not panned out for the long term but at least you're still doing it. My film group went the same way so I called time on it last year - A smaller group now, but still keen on the original philosophy behind it, so more enjoyable.

    1. I have form; I need to lower my expectations of people, apparently.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Replies
    1. Precisely! Again, using Mills' parlance, I've given it an early swerve.
