Thursday 25 April 2019

Square Route

A midweek smash and grab raid on that London yesterday. Quality time spent in the company of Brother Mondo and Brother Steve. We zoned in on some of the West One Squares with Beatles and Bowie connections. And nearby pubs too. Obvs. First, the EMI Building in Manchester Square and, just around the corner, is where David Jones was snapped reading all about it. We volunteered a German passer by, showed her Bowie's pic and asked her to recreate same; despite a bit of camera shake, I think we just about get away with it.

Staying in the same zip code you then come across Montagu Square - it's actually a rectangle - and situated at No. 34 is where John Lennon holed up for most of '68. It's not Strawberry Fields, but it's got a blue plaque outside, nonetheless. 

A huge thank you to the boys for another great trip to the capital. Let's do it again in the Summer.


  1. Sounds like a mighty fine way to spend a day. Great photos too.

    1. Might and fine - yep, two words that sum up the day perfectly. You up for the next one?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Perhaps wrap South Marylebone/Mayfair next time. Saville Row, Aspreys, Heddon Street - and Samuel Smiths for pit stops..

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What Manish Boys you are! You certainly do things in style - lovely.

  6. I love recreating such scenes and the other half and I had great fun making our Trainspotting film last year in Edinburgh.

    Great pics of you all.
