Saturday 2 March 2019

Dirty John

What's wrong with this picture? Well, quite a lot actually
I've just finished the last Dirty John on Netflix. Bloody hell. It hasn't been an easy watch - not by a long chalk. Harrowing doesn't come close; and knowing it's based on a true story only ramped up the tension (and my blood pressure) to dangerous levels.

For those who haven't seen it I won't give too much away here, just to say that when successful businesswoman Debra Newell meets John Meehan - a sociopath masquerading as a doctor - through an internet dating site, it's only a matter of time till things go wrong. Very, very wrong. It makes for uncomfortable viewing at times. That's all I'll say.

The story was first aired as a true crime podcast in 2017 where the listening figures apparently went through the roof - anyone who heard Serial will know the format. I've just downloaded the podcast (to fill in the gaps), having watched the TV series first. And for those of you who still crave more, Netflix have just completed a documentary about the whole sad story. Buckle up.


  1. Thanks for the heads up as we are looking for something new to watch.

    Just goes to show though, you've got to be careful of those shady characters you can meet on the internet!!!

    1. A - You're welcome. However, be prepared...

      Shady characters on the internet? Called John? I couldn't possibly comment.

  2. The other half is watching this at the moment. A but too grown up for me, she reckons.

    1. She'll be fine. Just be on hand to offer tea and sympathy...
