Friday 11 August 2017

Up Up and Away

The passing of Glen Campbell this week was sad. Very sad. But as I touched on back in April, the Campbell we all knew and loved had already gone. We'll miss him, I'm sure, and none more so than Jimmy Webb: this week has seen as many column inches given over to the writer of Wichita Lineman, as the singer. And rightly so. It's been labelled the finest song ever written in the twentieth century. I for one wouldn't disagree with that.

As well as the other ubiquitous hits he scored for Campbell, Webb also wrote songs (prolifically) for many other artists. This is one of my favourites. A friend of mine is going to a Balloon Fiesta this weekend, so it's quite fitting. Check out the 5th's natty threads.

The 5th. Dimension - Up Up and Away

It's Jimmy's birthday next week - he'll be seventy-one. Happy Birthday Jimmy, from all at Medd Towers.


  1. I was fortunate enough to see Glen Campbell live before he retired and it reduced me to tears. But I consider myself even more fortunate to have seen Jimmy Webb live. The man is a legend to me, having written what is DEFINITELY the finest pop song of the 20th Century (or any other), plus many other glorious songs. He's a wonderful storyteller both in song... and on stage.

    1. Sadly I never got to see Campbell. Funny, but whenever acts like him came to the UK I always found an excuse not to go. I'm beginning to feel that way about two Brill Building legends - Diamond and Sedaka. They come over here, play a dozen or so stadium (Diamond) / concert hall (Sedaka) shows (never gigs) and bugger off back to the States. Five years later they come back and repeat. And still I find I'm washing my hair that night. One day; otherwise it'll be the Asda (other supermarkets are available) end of line sale mantra: "Because when they're gone, they're gone."

  2. Yes, the tributes have been coming thick and fast in this little corner of the blogosphere but as you say this was more the closing of the final page, and expected. Jimmy Webb and Glen go together like milk and honey/coffee and cream etc etc. So glad for all our sakes that they found each other.

    Lots of synchronicity with 5th Dimension as well - I wrote about their natty threads last year when I covered Wedding Bell Blues and something by the BCR!:

    1. You best get in quick with your Rollers piece Alyson - I''m champing at the bit here to fire off 500 words on Les, Woody and Co.!
      Also, I expect to see photographic evidence - tartan silk scarves worn casually around wrists, ridiculously wide white 'parallels' cut off just below the knee etc. etc.

  3. Nail on the head, John. Was lucky enough to see Jimmy Webb at the Cambridge Festival, some years back. I was amazed at how many people were asking, "Jimmy, who?" Where had they been hiding themselves for so long?! Up Up and Away is also a personal favourite.
