Friday 18 June 2010

Fabulous Poodles

I like The Fabulous Poodles. I also like Lego. What do you think the odds would be on somebody shooting a film and combining the two?
Not as high as you'd think, apparently.

The Fabulous Poodles - Mirror Star (1978)

When punk gave up the ghost and the new wave took over, it was left to this bunch of comedians, fronted by Tony de Meur, to make one of the best singles of 1978. Produced by Muff Winwood, and on pink vinyl, it even got them on TOTP. But my abiding memory of the Poodles was a corking John Peel session, where they put the wind up (My Fair Lady's) On The Street Where You Live. That and the fact that their Think Pink album came out in a 24'' sleeve, which I lugged 'round the West End all day.


  1. Great vid' - and the tune reminds of The Radio Stars. I'll have to investigate more Poodle music

  2. Mondo- Who fact: John Entwhistle produced (and played 8-string bass on) their first album.

  3. great vid! Don't know anything about them - sounds good tho.


    There is also a Facebook page.!/group.php?gid=77376925614&v=info

  5. Poodles are a very popular dog breed. Poodles became the most popular breed in America..Poodle
