Tuesday 12 March 2024

'Ullo John. Gotta New Motor?

A busy few days - just sold my car through a well known (not to say very annoying) internet company and, a handful of hours later, took delivery of a new set of wheels I'd test driven up in (a spookily deserted) Blackpool just a few days earlier.

I mention this purely because I found the above photo the other day - I was recently asked to take part in a guess the baby picture quiz and as you can see I'm quite taken with this motor (tho' still not sure who it belonged to). I have a few of me from around this time posing with/leaning on various period cars. Must've been a boy thing.

Chris Spedding - Jump in My Car (1976)


  1. What a cute pic - if there had been any butter in the vicinity of your mush it could not possibly have melted!
    The Blackpool photo is superb too - very haunting.

    1. Cute and haunting. A great combo to take thru life..

  2. C's on the money - you're cute as a button in that shot John. Cars really were tanks in those days weren't they? There's a shot of me standing in front of the family motor knocking about around here somewhere, that I must dig out and share. It's of a similar vintage to yours and, if I say so myself, my cuteness factor is similarly off the chart.
