Wednesday 9 November 2022

Owl Wednesday

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Brevity is everything. This beautiful ditty by Monster Rally clocks in at a little under two minutes and is pure pop perfection. It's the opposite of Monday Long Song; which I love btw - I often contribute myself - but sometimes less is more. I think this bookends yesterday's offering by Jon Kennedy perfectly. I like that; Jon from Manchester and Ted Feighan (Ted is Monster Rally) from Cleveland, Ohio. I wonder if they've met?

Monster Rally - Sister Owls (2019)


  1. I like that. Sounds like it could be a mysterious, slightly musty old '78 found at the bottom of a box amid the cobwebs in a neglected attic, and no-one knows its back story. That's meant to be a compliment...I really do like it!

    1. The whole album is like that, C! It really is wonderful.

  2. Owl Wednesday- a football reference? Sheffield Wednesday are known as the owls

  3. This has a very nice repurposed-lounge (the musical genre, not the room) feel to it, with bonus points for the authentic sounding background vinyl crackle. Stephen Coates sometimes employs the same tactic in his guise as The Real Tuesday Weld. Listening to more Monster Rally tunes over on Bandcamp as I type this and enjoying them immensely. Thanks for the intro to them John.

    1. Always glad to return the favour (you've signposted the way to countless acts that I've subsequently latched onto over the years).

