Tuesday 21 June 2022

The Last Gang in Town

I just want to say a few words about our small, but perfectly formed, Bloggers Meet-Up last week. One or two of us who have been writing blogs since the dawn of time have been threatening to meet up in the real world for longer than I care to remember; and so it came to pass that last Tuesday the waves parted, the planets aligned and the rail network remained strike-free long enough to enable six humble scribblers to make the long journey to Edinburgh - following some mythical siren call to come and spend a few days in each other's company. And what a splendid few days away it was too. Although my fellow bloggers' anonymity* prevents me from telling you who came to feast at the top table, I'm sure you've all read enough of my back issues to piece together who the runners and riders were.

And in real life, just like our blogs, the conversation was convivial, the company was scintillating and the music was, ahem, banging. Thank you to everyone who came and made the excursion so life affirming; let's hope we can do it all over again in '23. 

* Tho' they did allow me to use the thinly disguised photograph (above) which was taken outside a rather lovely hostelry. (Don't worry, we had plenty more taken inside hostelries!)


  1. Lovely words John and sums up how it came about perfectly. A great few days, one of the highlights being your slot at the open mic session. As you say, the planets aligned.

    1. We set the bar pretty high didn't we, Alyson?! Let's all meet up (again) in the year 2023...

  2. What immense fun it was. I'm looking forward to Blog-Con 2023 already.

    1. Ditto that. Blog-Con 23? I can already see the tee shirts!

  3. Ah, a lovely summing up of a fab few days, thanks John, I'm still trying to put the memories in some kind order (but somewhere in there is a lot of garlic bread... ) As Alyson says, the open mic session was a real highlight, one that will stay with me for a long time. 2023 already pencilled in.

    1. Thank you, C; I had a ball.
      Blog-Con 23 has got a ring to it, don't you think?

  4. Even a flying visit was grand. Until next time.

  5. Always a joy to meet the real people behind the interweb scribbling.
    Another site I'm a member of has had a few meet-ups in the past. The shared enthusiams and history made forming "real" friendships somewhat easier

    1. I know what you mean, RD; I met a few of the Word magazine crowd in real life and those nights were always a hoot.

  6. I know that cover is a homage to the Clash, but it also makes you all look like horror movie stars. And I'm pretty sure you're not ALL horror movie stars...

    1. Ah, the 'photograph'. Of course an unedited, clear as day, version exists on my SD card, but I was bowing to everyone's desire to remain anonymous (as I was reminded last week, it's only me that has their name above the shop door). The Clash 'treatment' by one of our attendees would, without doubt, look much better in High Def, but rules is rules!

  7. Just noticed that I am the only participant not to have commented!
