Monday 18 April 2022

Everybody had a wet dream

Hype; the next big thing. The music industry has been inextricably linked with hype and the next big thing ever since Elvis first gyrated his hips on American TV in 1956.

66 years later and not much has changed. The music industry still wants to push new acts and the music listening public will always want to think they're ahead of the curve. Thankfully I am no longer part of a demographic whereby I am in any way influenced by anything other than a catchy tune.

Cue Wet Leg. I like them. And I like the sound they make.

Wet Leg - Wet Dream (2022)


  1. Yeah. Nobody deserves the hype they're getting right now, but rather them than many of the wasters who have had such hype showered on them in the past. They make a nice sound and don't take themselves too seriously. More power to them.

    1. More power to them, indeed. Let's hear it for bands who make a nice sound.

  2. I've enjoyed everything I've heard from them thus far.

    1. A ringing endorsement if ever I heard one, TS! They remind me of Girl Ray (who I love), so maybe that had something to do with me latching on to them. I suppose seeing them live would be the next logical step...

  3. 33% Reithian - they may not Inform or Educate, but they definitley Entertain. Huge fun from soup to nuts.
    "Don't Believe The Hype" - in this case, I do
    (plus there is now another answer to the "name a band from the Isle Of Wight" question - Level 42 may have lost their 40 year default answer

    1. Thanks, RD. Let's see if we're all still on the same page in six months. I sincerely hope we are.
