Saturday 10 June 2017


 1. X is for X-Ray

I should've known better. I may have finished with Pickering, but, Pickering, quite clearly, wasn't finished with me; one final twist in its tail. An afternoon and evening of goodbyes in the town and a walk back up the hill for the last time.
Why I never saw the dodgy paving slab is still puzzling me. Yes, drink had been taken. But, in my defence, how was I to know that one step would have such consequences? What appeared at the time to be a very bad sprain was actually a break. This is what the result of my X-Ray showed (taken in Nottingham a week later when I was concerned that the swelling still hadn't subsided):

'There is a displaced transverse fracture of the top of the right distal fibula with associated soft tissue swelling of the lateral malleolus and anterior joint effusion. Fracture clinic referral advised.'

Long story short, my fear of being 'in pot' for weeks on end was, thankfully, unfounded. My consultant at the hospital told me that that wouldn't be necessary. A sturdy Chelsea Boot (my footwear of choice) should do the trick and as long as I don't attempt running a marathon anytime soon, the fracture would, in four to five weeks, mend by itself. I'm being over simplistic, of course, but worries about not being able to drive and hobbling around on crutches were dispelled. So, lots of rest then; easier said than done when you chuck my recent house move into the mix. These 80 boxes won't, apparently, unpack themselves.
But at least I can reduce the amount of walking (and driving) around in the next few days/weeks because...

2. X as in taxi

Living back in a city means that I don't have to rely on the car as a sole means of travel - we have public transport (where I've just moved from there was the daily stagecoach that would come through our town and pick up the local snake oil salesmen who would would then head south to the nearest market).

We now have regular buses (every four minutes). And trams (buses on rails). And trains (that will take you anywhere in the country. Even London). And, obviously, taxis.

When we moved, the first App I downloaded to my phone was a local taxi firm who appear to have nicked Uber's booking and tracking system lock stock and barrel (and none the worse for that). Getting around town has never been so easy. I know when my Hackney carriage is coming (I can see precisely where he/she is at any time), the name of my driver and even the registration of the pick-up vehicle. Many of you reading this will be thinking that I must have landed from some distant planet - well, you're not far wrong - I have come from the past. So I guess that makes me a time traveler. And it feels [expletive] great.


  1. Hope it mends without any least you can sift through boxes sitting on the floor.
    One of the things a about living in Brighton is also the great bus system and also the fact we live three minutes away from a train station ( even if it is only a halt with a train every 20 minutes) Sadly no trams though ..and we lost our tultuks...

  2. What are these motorised 'orses of which you speak? It's the devil's work I tells ya.
    I go through phases of really missing living in Norwich, then I go there. 'Tis a fine city, but three or four hours of people and noise and I'm more than happy to retreat to our little gaff in the comparative back of beyond.
    Take care of that ankle.

    1. I think it was the people and noise I missed more than anything.

  3. Oh no! Hope very much it heals quickly and painlessly.
    I'm with The Swede here - I absolutely love the hustle and bustle of cities in small doses but the quiet life suits me for the most part, I can always hitch a lift on a tractor...

    1. Oh God, don't talk to me about tractors!

  4. Gosh - take care of that broken bone but good it seems that it will mend itself without too much intervention. Great excuse to unpack the boxes though at a slower pace.

    I sometimes think I would like to live in the centre of a big city again (Edinburgh very tempting) with no garden to have to look after and all that great entertainment on my doorstep but doubt if I will ever be brave enough to do it. Enjoy your new chapter with all that excellent public transport at your disposal.

    1. Thank you Alyson.

      Not brave enough? Surely not!

  5. Just re-reading this and hoping you're doing ok. I twisted my ankle this afternoon, thought all ok, came back here and an hour or so later the pain kicked I can't walk without being even more agonising... off to bed soon in hope it subsides but foresee hospital appt. in morning.
    If only I'd known these accidents were contagious!
