Thursday 31 May 2012

Sex in the city

What's wrong with this picture? Looks perfectly normal to me, I hear you say. And from a distance, it does. One city centre office block photographed from, seemingly, another city centre office block. But if you look at what's going on in the bottom left hand window, you may be surprised; unless you're one of the two performers that is, in which case you'll probably be packing your things and looking at the property pages in today's paper. The paper, more than likely, whose Newsdesk received said photograph. And, before you ask, I'm not betraying any confidences here - this 'what the butler saw' snap was posted on Facebook (of course it was) within minutes of the act taking place; probably while yer man was still zipping up his flies. Which begs the question - so what happened to good old fashioned blackmail?


  1. Don't know what all the fuss is about. I mean, we've all been there, haven't we? (Haven't we....?) ;-)

  2. Me neither. And I couldn't possibly say.

  3. I remember during a power failure at Our Price East Ham, we shut the shop sent everyone home leaving me and the female assistant manager to do the beast with two backs. I was just a nipper then. She had pierced nipples for what it's worth.

  4. I killed it didn't I? sorry.

  5. If I were writing the strap-line for your colourful vignette, I'd have to go with: Making bacon in East Ham. Luckily however, your short, but perfectly formed, story will go no further than the (very) select readership of this Blog; unless, of course, you've already kissed & told and gone to a higher bidder?

  6. I don't think I've ever mentioned it to anyone before. It's just your post brought it all flooding back. Ha ha.

    It also reminds me of the time I was flat hunting over here in Malmö, one Sunday I went to a viewing that had maybe twenty other people at it. The view from the kitchen window was of a neighbours balcony, with said neighbours going at it like the world was about to end. Swede's eh?

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