Wednesday 13 May 2020

In an Ideal World...

My lockdown listen of the last seven days features one of rock and roll's unsung heroes: Henry Priestman - born in Hull, raised in Liverpool - is one of life's good guys. He's enjoyed a multi faceted career, but is probably best known for being one of the Christians - the 80s/90s combo featuring the three Christian* brothers, Garry, Roger and Russell. Devotees of David Hepworth and Mark Ellen's Word in Your Ear podcasts will be aware that a spin-off video version 'A Word in Your Attic' has been open for business throughout the lockdown, inviting guests to join them via their Webcams in a delightful show and tell format that I've found absolutely riveting. Henry Priestman's episode can be found here. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Indeed I would strongly urge anyone contemplating a life laundry to give it a coat of looking at.

As they should this equally beguiling piece of footage: Henry himself has been recording his own lockdown sessions in his garden shed. Here he is performing a beautiful arrangement of Ideal World - with a little help from his (socially distancing) friends.

Henry Priestman - Ideal World (2020)

* Onomasticians can rest easy - for the record, Priestman's middle name is Christian.


  1. If you've not heard them, his solo albums are well worth investigating. I particularly recommend his debut Chronicles Of Modern Life (from 2008, nigh on 30 years after his first recorded output with Yachts)

    1. Thank you, RD. I'm listening to Chronicles as I'm writing this.

  2. The ‘unsung hero’ checking in to say thanks very much for your kind words.
    I had such fun (as you’ll no doubt have gathered by my smiling demeanour throughout the entire podcast), this despite the fact that I ‘met’ David & Mark literally 2 minutes before cameras rolled. Must applaud them for putting me at my ease immediately.
    Thanks also to Mr R Digit for his comment above re my solo work; if any trouble picking up said albums, the shop’s always open for business at

    1. Henry, thank you so much for getting in touch - I specialise in 'Unsung Heroes', so you're amongst friends here! Yes, David and Mark have got a great bedside manner; they've both done Q&As for this blog and I have nothing but love and respect for the pair of them.

      Take care, and thanks again for dropping by. J
