Sunday 21 August 2016

A father and a son

Boys grow up to be grown men
And men change back into boys again
The Number One Son has not long left after spending a brilliant weekend with us. He's so together. And grounded; far more so than me when I was his age.
As a father of some twenty six years standing I sort of know how this parenting thing works now. You do everything in your power to keep them on the rails, point them in the right direction and pray they grow up to be safe and happy. And they, for the most part, let you do all that whilst, at the same time, gently mocking you.

Loudon Wainwright - A Father and a Son


  1. Looks as though you're good pals. Job done.

    1. We are, and always have been. Mocking is too strong a word - James has humoured me all his adult life. If I'd been him and he'd been me, I would have too.

  2. The boy done good. His old man clearly hasn't done too badly either.

    1. He has indeed: not for nothing does James appear more times than any other individual in the side bar on the left. I'm not so sure about the old man.

  3. Lovely photos of you both and a very snazzy shirt John.

    1. Thank you Suzie. The shirt(s) being just one more reason for James humouring me.

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