Sunday 22 February 2015

Old & Grey

Old & Grey (2015)
I used to be a star-kicker. Though these days just getting out of my armchair finds me making that sound your grandparents used to make when bending down. I can't even use Townshend's adage 'I look pretty young but I'm just backdated.' I'm just backdated.

My fellow blogger, The Swede, is spending the next 55 days counting down to his 55th birthday. I just hope he remembers when he gets there what he came for. TS predates me by only a handful of months, so it'll be interesting to see the overlaps between his timeline and mine. Our shared love of music (my main reason for embarking on this blog five years ago) being the obvious one. Come my next birthday, apart from being older and greyer, I would like to think that my sherpa, in the guise of The Swede, will be there to to meet me at the summit with a glass of something warming and tell me that 55 is not as bad as it sounds.


  1. Nice one. I'm 55 is October, so we're all coinciding. OGWT - we'll never see the like again. Oh those nights.

  2. Greyness is a state of mind. I disguise mine with an auburn tint. As a bloke, you probably shouldn't try this - it didn't look so good on Macca, did it? If you're still getting excited by music in all its forms, you ain't old, my friend.

  3. Age is just a number. Having said that I am old. And grey! Keep me in sight. I'll see you at the top. Bourbon ok?

  4. All in our 50s staggering towards... what? The end?

    I was digging around on YouTube the other day watching old clips for TOGWT like Gary Moore playing Back on the Streets with only 5 strings as he bust the bottom E from the get go. Or UFO with Tonka Chapman on guitar playing Doctor Doctor showing why whilst a good guitarist he was never Hr Schenker - the intro just lack all that tone, finesse and feeling that he gave it.

  5. As the third eldest cousin I'll give you the heads up on reaching 56 when we embark on our tour of the ancestral lands in the summer..... If I can remember by then !

  6. Saga would have a field day with us! Thank you all for your reassurances. I particularly liked Drakey's 'greyness is just a state of mind' comment. Let me buy you all a drink in December.
