Saturday 20 April 2024

We've got a handful of songs to sing you

"Can I have another piece of chocolate cake?" - ©Neil Finn

You may or may not be aware that I haven't written any new songs for quite a while. I guess over the years I've written between eighty and a hundred songs in total. Of those I'd say thirty or so are keepers. And of those, I've recorded around twenty. Yet, whenever I get up and play at various folk clubs, singarounds, floor spots and the like I bet I only rotate maybe ten songs maximum. Yep, I've got stale. I've taken my foot off the gas and have been happy to coast. I generally pad my repertoire out with one or two (select) covers and would admit, quite freely, that at some point I must have turned my songwriting tap off. 

Hopefully that's about to change. I was invited to a relatively new songwriters group that's sprung up in the town and who meet on the third Thursday (I love that alliteration) of the month. So I went along last Thursday. There were seven of us. We chatted, played a brand new song each and then critiqued what we'd just heard. It was lovely. It was inspiring. This may just be the kick up the arse I need to apply seat of pants to seat of chair - as PG Wodehouse once said. My song, 'The Ocean', which was really only in embryonic form, was received really well. I'll go away now - finish it, tart it up and, while I'm about it, try and get another new song ready for next month. Footnote - it was Dan's birthday on Thursday (Dan is one of the group's founding fathers) and we had cake. Chocolate cake. Matt's wife (Matt - who started the group) baked it specially. I think I'm going to enjoy Songwriters.


  1. Sounds brilliant and I don't just mean the cake (tho' I'm salivating at that pic). Really pleased to hear you've been inspired, the new songs are going to come pouring out of you now! There's definitely so much to be said for mingling with others who share the same desire for motivation I think; long may Songwriters continue.

    1. Thank you, C. Yes, it felt good. Let's see what happens...

  2. This is excellent news. I hope we'll be able to enjoy the fruits of these labours very soon.

    1. Thanks, Rol. Yes, it would be good to record a couple of new songs 'properly' and let more people hear them. (Whether they want to or not.)

  3. Sounds like the perfect group for you - the new songs will be flowing out of you.

    I have a last Thursday of the month film group so I missed out on the alliteration - might change it to the third Thursday just so I can use that phrase more often!

    1. SFSG. They're doing a showcase gig in June but unfortunately I'm away in Devon. Like I said to Rol, I'd like to do some recording (maybe later in the year) and get these songs out there!
