Sunday 6 August 2023

Bugging me

The Bug Club

Not for the first time, I have a new ear worm and this one has really taken hold and is showing no signs of leaving anytime soon. It comes from the Bug Club who I discover, after bit of fishing* on Google, hail from Caldecott in Monmouthshire.  Now I'm going out on a limb here and saying they are probably the only band of any note to hail from this particular enclave of south-east Wales. Though, as ever, I stand to be corrected. Before I sign off I must mention that I have seen a lot of these short and round haircuts on young lads of a certain age. I was in an Indian restaurant in town on Friday night and six of them on one table were sporting identikit haircuts; with the ubiquitous beard, obvs. I wanted to take their photo but two of them, at least, judging by their demeanour, may not have acquiesced to my photoshoot opportunity. So I left it. Anyway, here's that song...

The Bug Club - Short and Round (2023)

* Where I also found out that they're playing a clutch of UK dates in October, one of which is at the Rescue Rooms in Nottingham.


  1. I'm very taken by The Bug Club myself, particularly their song If My Mother Thinks I'm Happy...

  2. It's a thumbs up from the East Anglian jury on both 'Short and Round' and 'If My Mother Thinks I'm Happy'. Two potential earworms for sure.
