Wednesday 12 January 2022

We're Not Over Yet

I think I may have flagged it up on Twitter, but my last birthday - which I spent in Manchester, thanks for asking - went unmentioned on my blog; but then, looking back on previous years, it would appear I've never really recorded the event round these parts.

No matter. I'm old enough to know better; another candle on the cake = nothing to shout about these days. We're all circling the drain, right? (You can tell I was born on a Wednesday can't you?) 

For what it's worth, I share my birthday with one of the greatest female vocalists of all time: Christine Collister was born exactly a year after me. Next time I see her I must ask her if she used to get her birthday presents wrapped in Christmas paper too.

Gregson & Collister - We're Not Over Yet (1998)

Christine Collister (b. 28 December 1961)


  1. I'm a bit late to the (non) party, but here's hoping you had a good birthday. We may not feel like celebrating them any more but, really, we should be glad to!

  2. Belated birthday greetings to you John. I hope it was a good 'un.
