Friday 14 December 2018

Remember Me


If there's a bigger ball ache than remembering old passwords, retrieving forgotten passwords and/or resetting new ones then please tell me; because I really don't think there is one.

And as the majority (alright, all) of my passwords are variations on a theme, I'm buggered if I can remember which ones do or don't have an uppercase letter, do or don't contain a number, and do or don't have a 'special' character; which is why, if left to me, they would all be 123456 or ABCDEF. Sorry, make that aBCDEf1@, no, hang on, I think it it was ABCdeF?100. Oh, fuck it.

Blue Boy: Remember Me (Original 12") - 1997


  1. I can SO relate to your aggravation, John. I keep a printed list because I have so many passwords, tucked here and there around the apartment. (My challenge may one day be to remember the locations of said hidey-holes.

    "Remember Me" would almost qualify as a "Monday Long Song", a series to which so many of the bloggers 'round these parts have been contributing. I enjoyed this one.

    1. It very nearly did get held over till Monday for MLS. A friend recently put it on a playlist for me, so I thought I'd share it.

  2. Been running into this problem all week as I order presents from sites I haven't used since last year at this time. Grr. I'm going to go out on a limb and say this isn't the band Blueboy that was on Sarah Records in the early '90s.

    1. Blue Boy is/was a DJ type chappy. Beats and samples and stuff. So, no, not Blueboy the band.

  3. We were only talking about passwords the other day, Mr SDS and me, and I was remembering the time in my office job when the idea of having such a thing, with such a name, felt like it was straight out of a spy story. So familiar and tedious now it's funny to think it ever felt so... erm... exciting?!... but it did!

    1. When we're all chipped and pinned at birth there'll be no need for such arcane practices.
