Friday 26 February 2010

The Who By Numbers?

I'm very aware, that three posts in and I''ve still not mentioned anyone who's still living. Well, let's put that right straight away with a band that have just appeared recently on my radar: hailing from the Medway, The Len Price 3 have just released Pictures their 3rd album, and very entertaining it is too. Infused with that giddy combination of Carnaby Street and Blow-Up, the LP3 are getting high on tunes Pete Townshend would be writing today - if he was still 24: everywhere you look there's Rickenbackers, nods to The Action and The Kinks and, as Kenny Everett would say, it's all done in the best possible taste. Check this one out: it's called Rentacrowd, from their second album. To paraphrase Mondo, this tune is so big it's got its own postcode!


  1. Think I'm Mypsace chums with the Lennies - have you checked out Little Barrie's s new and groovy doings? Or Big Boss Man's Full English Beat Breakfast - two fisted tunes and wall-to-wall wallop

    PS the Harmonic Mix tracklist is up if you want to check your scores on the doors

  2. great track - well worth looking into. Ta JM!

  3. many thanks john,there seems to be quite a few of us out there who seriously rate the LP3,lets hope the word gets around!!

  4. These guys are the only band I've consistently bought music by in almost 20 years, which is quite landmark considering I don't like much "new" music eh?
