Wednesday 13 October 2021

It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see

I've just read Matt Haig's The Midnight Library. My friend Alyson emailed me a couple of weeks ago and recommended it. And I'm so glad she did. It was a delightful read; the sort of novel I'd love to have read and discussed with my old book club back in North Yorkshire. If you've read it, or are thinking of reading it, I'd love to know how you got on with it. And if you are going to get a copy please support your local bookshop if you can - I'm sure Amazon will struggle on if you decide not to use them this once.

Rather than me give away any plot spoilers, here's the author himself giving a very brief synopsis...


  1. So glad you enjoyed it John as after recommending it I did wonder if it might appeal more to the female of the species. Obviously not, and written by a man anyway.

    Books like this always remind me that we should never regret any of our dodgy decisions in life as one way or another we'll end up in the same place anyway - We're those kind of people. Of course we can blame our parents for having moulded us that way but I'm not so sure myself.

    And, a Swedey McSwedeface with a book - The possibilities are endless as Mr Collins used to say.

  2. PS - Yes I did buy it from a bookshop and sorry if I gave away any spoilers. Hopefully not.

    1. Definitely not a gender specific book! It was a terrific read - thanks for the heads up. Tell me all about your bookshop; a blog would be nice...
