Tuesday 23 July 2024

Kiss and make-up

Outside Parliament - the 1976 intake

KISS (that's right, it's capitalised - none of yer lowercase nonsense) were always about far more than the music. It was all about the brand: KISS pinball machines, KISS Kaskets, KISS Konverses, the list goes on. For what it's worth, although I knew (and still know) plenty of folks who got off on them, I never did. Though I did go and see them; just the once; I actually went for the support band; I ended up walking out on the headliners a mere five minutes into their set. They were miming. They always mimed apparently. A poor show. A shame really as they obviously put a lot of time and energy into just looking like KISS. The video below shows Gene Simmons using his daughter as a prop and how bloody long it takes to put the war paint on and get into the part.

Maybe if this tribute act had put as much time into securing their wigs before going on stage then the KISS kalamity that occurs 13 seconds into this video could have been averted. This is hilarious.

KISS Army - Detroit Rock City

Anyway, about that support band. Girl (for it was they) got kicked off the tour promptly after I saw them that night. Why? They opened with this: KISS' management took a dim view.

Girl - Do You Love Me? (1980)

From one of my scrapbooks

Sunday 21 July 2024

Comes with baggage


Those of you who swing by these parts on a regular basis may or may not remember that back in 2020, when there was fuck all else not a lot to do, I documented my existence in 10 objects. I know, what was I thinking? Like I said, every day for nigh on two years was a slow news day.

Anyway, at Number 8 I threw in a twofer: that's right, the frisbee and the rucksack. Well, things have moved on since those heady days of lockdown. Let me explain. With the steady advancement of age and the ever growing list of stuff I take out of the house with me (perm any three from five - camera(s); playing cards [another lockdown legacy]; battery packs & chargers, books; glasses wipes) I've become wedded to a man bag. In fact, not just one but two. Another explanation required, I feel: put simply, I outgrew my first one - a beautiful hand stitched affair with loads of secret zipped inner compartments, from one of those brilliant leather shops on Brick Lane in London's East End (Ernie probably passes it most days on his travels.) So, I upgraded. Funnily enough it was from Totnes (the town I'd bought the rucksack from thirty odd years ago) and was sitting not inside but outside a charity shop (without a shoulder strap) feeling very unloved. And with it being sans shoulder strap it was going for a song. I liberated it, found a new strap and gave it a new home. Ladies and gentleman, My Life in 11/12 Objects. 


Saturday 20 July 2024

Nothing is real

Now here's a film I simply must see: Daaaaaalí! is a newly released French comedy and claims to be a, wait for it, real fake biopic of the surrealist artist Salvador Dalí. Judging by the trailer it's funny, irreverent and, I'm guessing, not strictly a linear depiction of the great man; I mean, how could it be? 

Daaaaaalí! (2024) - Official Trailer 

Also, I learned only today, the soundtrack was written and performed by Thomas Banglater - better known as one half of Daft Punk... 

If I can track it down on Blu-ray (it's not streaming yet) or find an art house cinema that's showing it I'll report back with my findings. 

Dalí (1984-1989)

Wednesday 17 July 2024


It had to happen - a band come along who, whether knowingly or not, effortlessly meld the sound of three of my favourite artists and get right under my skin: they go by the moniker Parcels and, being blunt, sound a lot like Daft Punk (who they've worked with in the past), Air and maybe shades of Jungle too. Normally, I hate these blanket definitions but rather than dance on the head of a pin I may as well tell it like it is. But I love the noise they make. It's infectious and it puts a smile on my face (which I really need right now, let me tell you). Also, I don't know why, but I'm rather taken with the fact that several of their song titles are elongated into one word; I shouldn't, but I do. This being a case in point. (I could just as easily gone with IknowhowIfeel or Tieduprightnow.) Hopeyouenjoyit.  

Parcels - Somethinggreater (2021)  

Sunday 14 July 2024

Second city?

Birmingham is one of those places; I want to love it, really I do. Maybe when they've finished building it I'll get to like it a bit more. Who knows, I can't see any sign of them getting anywhere near to completion; not in my lifetime anyway. I was over in the West Midlands purely for pleasure you'll be pleased to know. Standby for Action 2 - the music of Barry Gray - was at the Syphony Hall. Here's what went down at Stand by for Action 1 in 2022. Also, Baz & I did When Barry Met Johnny 2. This is what happened at When Barry Met Johnny 1. also in 2022.

I also took a few snaps, you won't be surprised to learn...