Sunday 25 September 2016

The only way is Essex

Between 1973 and 1975 David Essex dominated the UK singles charts. He was our David Cassidy. Or Donny Osmond. You couldn't turn your telly on or open a magazine and not find his Colgate ring of confidence staring back at you. Like dog sh*t n the park - he was everywhere.
Around this time Danny Baker, famously, was passing himself off as Essex's brother. Wearing the same white suit as Essex and tossing his mane á la Essex, he was getting as many babes as his 'brother', if not more.

Anyway, anyone who read Stud, and is still wondering who the hell I'm going as to this fancy dress shindig, I will put you out of your misery.

On Saturday night, Matthew, I'm going to be David Essex. Jump up and down in yer blue suede shoes.

Though something tells me there's probably more mileage in touting myself as Danny Baker's brother.


  1. The contemporary or halcyon version? If it's the latter, I assume there's a syrup involved?

  2. I met him briefly in 1981, after he'd played a gig at a venue where I was working. Thoroughly nice guy.

  3. Rock on!

    Saw Essex in concert once, long long past his heyday but he still pulled off a good show and his fandom is incredibly loyal and loving.

  4. Ah brilliant! I do hope we'll see some pics.

  5. TS - Essex the Elder
    MH - I too am a TNG
    M - I too am incredibly L&L
    C - Perhaps

  6. That explains the piecing then. (Stardust was one of the first films that I saw with my friends so I'll be agog to see pictures)Have a wild time on Saturday!
